Date fished 18/08/2024
7am until 3.30pm
Location was key today. The river was low and clear so we had to find the fish. We also accidentally interrupted another angler on the opposite bank. He was hidden and we didn't see him, so firstly just want to say sorry about that.
Ellis invited me as a guest to fish a Leeds stretch. He got me a visitors day ticket, so away we went. We arrived at the car park at exactly the same time, at least we know that location, although Ellis claimed I parked a few words away from the three he sent me!
We walked to the river, it looked good, the dark and gloomy morning helping. I did have sun cream with me though!
There was another angler on the opposite bank in the swim we wanted to fish, so we went to find a new one. Ellis was already tackled up (for once) so he was fishing first whilst I got ready. He started with maggots and was soon catching bleak and small dace and attracting attention from pike. I started with meat and was catching nothing.
As the rain started, I went for a walk. We had both been on the float until now. I set up a rod for rolling meat and Ellis a feeder. I decided to go check on our first choice swim, the angler had moved so we hot footed down there. This was where Ellis had success last month and we were eager to give it a go. This was where we waded too far and encroached, apologies again.
We moved off down stream to where a tree on the near bank had fallen in. It looked deep and good for a few fish. My float soon went under and this was a better chub. Still small, but getting closer to what we were after.

We thrashed the water but no other fish were caught. I hooked and lost one. After a break, I decided to return with the rolling meat kit. The korum touch ledger being chosen.
Second cast and the rod was nearly ripped from my hands. A spirited battle in the flow and a chub about 3lb soon in the net. After another few casts and with Ellis now stood next to me, I caught another. I now had chub of 1lb, 2lb and 3lb. Perfect.
As is usually the case in our fishing. We share. I mean, Ellis finds a good spot and I come poach. Well, today was different. The next 10 minutes and Ellis managed a chub closer to 4lb and a barbel of 4-5lb. He had definitely learnt my poaching trick!
The barbel came to the net in about 10 seconds, not realising it was hooked. But then it did! It swam out and gave Ellis a battle in the strong current until I manged to net it again. We rested it, then when we let it go, it just sat between us. Sat on the bottom, not moving but holding in the current. Was fascinating to see how it 'swam' from so close. It got bored of us, turned its flank and was back to where it wanted to be.
As Ellis went for a nap, I fished on for my own barbel. Nothing came, so we went to try a different location.
Thirty minutes here quickly turned into an hour. The sun was warm and with a 90 mim drive home, I decided to head home. Ellis stayed on and sent me a pic as I bombed up the A1. I hoped it was a massive barbel or a piece of kit I had left behind.
In true Ellis fashion, he had found another good location. No words, just this picture.