Saturday 31 August 2024

Last day of summer!?

Date fished 31/08/2024

7.15am until 1.30pm

Autumn was fast approaching last week, but now summer has come back for the last few days. I was not sure where to fish, asking the daughter was no use as she replied "I dont care daddy". I took that to mean maybe try feeder fishing for bream on the Tees, so off I went. 

The car said it was six degrees, and it felt it. I stopped at the tackle shop and bought some back door bait! Awesome service as usual from Cleveland Angling centre!! 

A short walk to the river and it looked lovely, if not a little cool. I definitely regretted removing the legs from my trousers last night. It was not shorts weather!! 

A feeder with groundbait, smashed corn and pellets left over from my last trip was cast at 20 turns into the depths. I alternated with maggots, worm or corn on the hook. 

It was calm and cold first thing but soon the wind picked up. This changed it to windy and cold!! I moved my chair into the sun to try and get some warmth. Unfortunately the clouds stopped that. 

I missed the first few lightening fast bites, but by shortening the hooklink, I soon connected with something. It was a small skimmer, but made me happy. 

If I thought this one was small, the next made me laugh, not smile. Perfectly formed, miniature skimmer. 

By now the rowers had started and the river was not just alive with fish topping, it had a human presence too. I was the only angler on the bank, but a few went by on a boat. The dragon boat whizzed past with some encouragement from the cox. 

The fishing was slow but I kept changing things, mainly my position to stay warm. Maybe I should of trotted maggots somewhere? Then the rod nearly got pulled in, thinking it was something big was quickly quashed as a tiny perch came in. 

I watched something chasing fry in the shallows, so next reel in I jigged the worm behind the feeder. It is a new technique I call "drop feedering". I am awaiting the patent lawyer's call anytime now. Anyway, a perch grabbed the worm, so it must have some merit. 

The wind was now blowing straight at me and it was chilly. I decided to call it a day. 

19 degrees the car now said! 

Seems shorts was the right choice, but now I am looking forward to Autumn and winter, they separates the men from the boys! 

Saturday 24 August 2024

Little miss loud

Date fished 24/08/2024
9am until 1pm

A few hours on the lake with the kids is time well spent. I only managed to hook the daughter in the finger, but at least it shut her up! 

Float fished corn on a 7ft rod in nearly 6ft of water is not ideal. The three unmissable bites I had were all missed! 
Rupe laughed at my technique, but his ledger rod never moved. Pellets on the hybrid method his blanking technique. 

We all had an enjoyable few hours, give or take the dry 'cardboard' thins and spells of rain. Plenty of fish were showing and being caught in other pegs. 
Beats being stuck in doors! 

Sunday 18 August 2024

Location, location, location

Date fished 18/08/2024

7am until 3.30pm

Location was key today. The river was low and clear so we had to find the fish. We also accidentally interrupted another angler on the opposite bank. He was hidden and we didn't see him, so firstly just want to say sorry about that. 

Ellis invited me as a guest to fish a Leeds stretch. He got me a visitors day ticket, so away we went. We arrived at the car park at exactly the same time, at least we know that location, although Ellis claimed I parked a few words away from the three he sent me! 

We walked to the river, it looked good, the dark and gloomy morning helping. I did have sun cream with me though!

There was another angler on the opposite bank in the swim we wanted to fish, so we went to find a new one. Ellis was already tackled up (for once) so he was fishing first whilst I got ready. He started with maggots and was soon catching bleak and small dace and attracting attention from pike. I started with meat and was catching nothing. 

As the rain started, I went for a walk. We had both been on the float until now. I set up a rod for rolling meat and Ellis a feeder. I decided to go check on our first choice  swim, the angler had moved so we hot footed down there. This was where Ellis had success last month and we were eager to give it a go. This was where we waded too far and encroached, apologies again. 

We moved off down stream to where a tree on the near bank had fallen in. It looked deep and good for a few fish. My float soon went under and this was a better chub. Still small, but getting closer to what we were after. 

We thrashed the water but no other fish were caught. I hooked and lost one. After a break, I decided to return with the rolling meat kit. The korum touch ledger being chosen. 

Second cast and the rod was nearly ripped from my hands. A spirited battle in the flow and a chub about 3lb soon in the net. After another few casts and with Ellis now stood next to me, I caught another. I now had chub of 1lb, 2lb and 3lb. Perfect. 

As is usually the case in our fishing. We share. I mean, Ellis finds a good spot and I come poach. Well, today was different. The next 10 minutes and Ellis managed a chub closer to 4lb and a barbel of 4-5lb. He had definitely learnt my poaching trick! 

The barbel came to the net in about 10 seconds, not realising it was hooked. But then it did! It swam out and gave Ellis a battle in the strong current until I manged to net it again. We rested it, then when we let it go, it just sat between us. Sat on the bottom, not moving but holding in the current. Was fascinating to see how it 'swam' from so close. It got bored of us, turned its flank and was back to where it wanted to be. 

As Ellis went for a nap, I fished on for my own barbel. Nothing came, so we went to try a different location. 

Thirty minutes here quickly turned into an hour. The sun was warm and with a 90 mim drive home, I decided to head home. Ellis stayed on and sent me a pic as I bombed up the A1. I hoped it was a massive barbel or a piece of kit I had left behind. 

In true Ellis fashion, he had found another good location. No words, just this picture.

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Uncley Adrian

Date fished 7/8/2024
11.15 until 14.15

I am currently in Dorset with the kids. We had sea fishing booked for today but some wild weather put paid to that. Rupe and I took the youngest cousin, Eddie for a few hours on a lake. See if we could christen his new rod and catch him his first proper fish!! 

We headed to Mangerton Lake, a few miles from home. A small (ish) lake with carp to 20lb but also some roach, which should keep Eddie entertained. They also did a three hour 'day' ticket ideal for short sessions with youngsters. 

Float rods with sweetcorn for the kids. A ledger sleeper rod with pellets for me. Although I was kept busy elsewhere. Eddie caught his first two fish before I even sat down!! His first one jumping back in before I could take a picture, so this was his second ever fish. 

Rupe fished in his own peg and was also soon on two fish. It was now we stopped for lunch. Very civilised, Eddie properly stopped fishing and ate all his lunch. What a lad!! 

A few line bites on my ledger kept my eyes flicking towards the sleeper. However, I had to keep landing fish for Eddie. He was soon on four roach for the day!! His float shot under and he struck, he quickly said "what's this Uncley Adrian? It's much bigger!!"

With some expert guidance and assistance from said Uncley, I mean uncle. We soon had a much bigger fish in the net. 

At 9lb 1oz, Eddie's fifth ever fish was a pb he may have for a while.  We packed up and headed home. Not sure what the six year old equivalent of a pint is, but I am sure Eddie will be having a couple tonight!!