Saturday 20 July 2024

Heavy loss

Date fished 20/07/2024

5am until 9.30am

I caught three of five fish that I hooked this morning. Lots of other bites and pulls too. It was a great morning, but.....

An early start as I decided to stay local, I had thought about going to the river but I have some busy weeks ahead, so figured a lazy day was in order. Lazy means a 4.15am alarm for me!! 

7ft ledger rod, small feeder, sweetcorn for the hook and I was ready.  I headed to Wydon lake in Hexham. A long drive, didn't even manage a whole song on Heart 80's and I was there. 

Setting up in my usual swim, the lake looked good. Fish were topping and after a few handfuls of corn, I even saw a tench come to the surface. Grab a floating skin and a flick of its big green tail and it was gone. 

The three fish caught were all around the 3lb mark. Great fun on a little rod at fairly close range. Not sure why tench are so angry, but they seemed to be this morning. 

Two grains of corn on a size 14 to 3lb hooklink seemed to do the business. A 10g cage feeder with mashed corn slop completing the rig. 

So, why the but......? 

The second fish I lost, I didn't see. It's 'best' that way, I think. Or is it? You tell me. 

The first fish I lost, which was the second I played. I saw. It's hard to say a weight in the water, but by it's length it was a very big tench. And it didn't fight half as strongly as the others. I will never know, but that's the "joy" of fishing. 

Home for tea and medals before a ball was bowled. 

Saturday 6 July 2024

300th blog entry!

Date fished 06/07/2024

5.45am until 10.30am

For the 300th blog, I wanted to do something special. However, the special trip to the Wye that Ellis and I have planned has not come around quickly enough (end of July). I had a free day so decided to hit the Swale. Recent matches have proved "peggy" with the fish shoaled up (but still had to be caught) 44 chub and a barbel for 189lb. I would not grumble at that for the 300th blog!

A ledger rod, the usual tactics plus an 'alternative' bait and a raincoat completed the kit list. I set off early and arrived in good time.  Setting up, I realised I had forgotten my bait needle.  It's quite hard to push a hair through meat with a blade of grass, but I managed! 

The first cast went to my right by a fallen tree. I sat and waited. 

Regular readers will know, I usually set targets each year. I didn't this year, with stuff going on personally, I just didn't have the thought. But in reality the targets remain the same, as they are yet to be achieved, even after a few years. 

A 2lb perch

A proper Swale barbel

A 6lb bream

A zander

I have had one Swale barbel before. This little guy on the float.

The rod hooped over and the bait runner sang. This was a fish. I hoped it was 'something' as I played its powerful runs. Then I saw it. It was a barbel, a chap, a bumble. My legs gave a wobble. 

I went down to the water to net it, in truth it took three trys. It giving powerful kicks each time. The barbless hook holding firm as the fish frequently dived down deep. Eventually it slipped into the net. A stones throw from the swim Davey caught his first ever Chub, pretty pertinent this time of year and I am not to macho to say, a tear rolled down my cheek. 

At 6lb 7oz, it was not a pb and not a massive fish. For me, it was my world. I was so happy. A quick look at the clock, 06.17am. 

I put the phone camera holder in my bag 30 seconds before I left the house this morning. So glad I remembered that! 

A Kingfisher fished in the peg next to me as the wind picked up and the temperature dropped. I was actually cold. The rugby commentary on my phone warming me up as England went close to a victory in New Zealand. At half time, I stretched my legs. Seems the fish were waiting for the break too, the rod pulled round and I was in. This time it felt chubby, unfortunately the hooklink broke as I played it near the boulders. I never saw the fish, so who knows!? 

A short walk closer to the tree resulted in more snags. I learnt my lesson in casting too close and a re tackle was required. I chucked some bread crusts in and watched them float away whilst contemplating the tackle change. A loud splash as the bread disappeared. I tied on  a hook and tried my luck. 

A few floats down, of course all the freebies taken whilst my piece remained unscathed. I might of caught if I kept going, but the clouds were getting darker and home called. 

I have watched Ellis catch a barbel on the Swale, I have seen many Facebook friends share their catches. Today, I joined them. I achieved a target! 

Oh, and the alternative bait!? Yeah, it didn't work. But "has potential, must try harder". Just like all my school reports used to say! 

Wednesday 19 June 2024

The Glorious 19th

Date fished 19/06/2024

8am until 4pm

I know, I know! but with other commitments on Sunday (16th), this was the first day I could fish. I was back on the rivers. The mighty Tees today. 

I met Ellis after he had a slight detour, its been so long he got lost! We tackled up and walked to the river. Hacking our way through the vegetation, we were soon at the edge. Not sure if it was just the moment, but it looked spot on! 

Tactics today were simple. Float rods with maggots and hemp. I started to fish whilst Ellis set up the camera. It was all going well until I caught a dace and went to show Ellis.  A disagreement with a boulder and I was nearly underwater. Apparently Ellis has it on video, so we look forward to that!? Take care when wading, always wade with a friend and you won't go wrong. Apart from a wet bait pouch! 

We were both catching dace when my float buried and the fish pulled back. I quickly declared perch, Ellis guessing chub. After a spirited battle a nice perch lay in the net. We put a number on it. 1lb 6oz and it equalled my pb. Long story short, I then caught two more perch, different fish due to distinct markings. But all three weighed 1lb 6oz. A triple of pb equalling fish!? Am not sure if I should laugh or cry!?! 

Ellis caught dace and roach but soon he was to get amongst the predators.  He played a nice fish towards him and we both saw the pike come into the fast water and grab the fish. He played both for over 10 minutes, again on video, hurry up and edit it Ellis! The pike let go several times but grabbed it again before Ellis could intervene. The pike was maybe net ready, but it let go and a mangled roach came in. It was returned to the river, presumably pike breakfast! 

We fished a while longer but decided to move on.  A further five swims were fished with varying success. We caught nice dace and roach throughout the day, probably ending on 50 fish between us. We both commented that we were bad at counting exactly, but also agreeing it doesn't really matter! 

My last fish took an hour of trotting back in the first swim. I thought it would be easy, but it really wasn't. Ellis went and fished the feeder slightly downstream, but with no fish visitors. My final fish was a good sized roach, no pic as I didn't trust myself not falling in again with my phone!! 

Glorious Geek!

I can't wait for my next trip and not just because it will be my 300th blog post! 

Sunday 2 June 2024

Hashy B's

Date fished 2/6/2024

4.45am until 9am

6 Hashy B's

I left the house at 4.45am, arrived at the lake at 4.47am. Perfect! 

The lake looked great. I decided to fish at the opposite end to where I usually do, as it looked so fishy in the early morning mist. Two rods, both ledgering sweetcorn with plenty of loose feed of corn and pellets. 

Short rods and easy tactics. It seemed to work as I was soon getting knocks. At 5.48am the rod hooped over, I was in. I played the fish, it was certainly a tench as it stripped line during a couple of powerful runs. The problem with this lake though, is birds. Well, ducks really. Any bait you throw in, they come on over and any action, they seem to know. I was playing the tench in front of an audience.

Unlike an audience that just sit, these guys get in the way. I don't know how or why but I was shusshing them away whilst playing the fish and the inevitable hook pull and it was away. I felt 'ducked'. 

Soon, reinforcements arrived. Rupert, Martha and Bertie joining me to chat, cast and pretend to coax the ducks away, when in reality Martha wanted to feed them corn! 

As the sun got above the hill, it turned bright and warm. Midges drifted over the swim. I was planning on fishing until 10am and then home for some chores. With no more fishy action but great company, it was no chore to up sticks early and head for hash browns and chocolate milkshakes at 9am!! Now, that's perfect!! 

Saturday 25 May 2024


Date fished 25/5/2024

8am until 1pm

Dragging the kids away from YouTube was easy, I just had to use food. Homemade sausage and egg muffins for the boy and pain au chocolate for the girl. Fully fuelled up, we headed to Tilcon. 

Rupe had a 4m whip he had not used yet, we then had another float rod shared between us. Sweetcorn as bait, not Martha this time. 

The delicate nature of the whip meant Rupe could fish close to the bush. It seems that's where the fish were as he soon caught two ide and a tench, whilst Martha and I were on the blank! 

We switched tactics and soon Martha had an ide too. I believe called "Gerald".

And then a tench, "Gerrard".

I was getting beaten by these two, so I pulled out my A game, Lunch! We sat in the car and ate our sandwiches, I quickly rushed back to the swim and caught two ide.

The whip still proved a great tactic as Rupe lifted into something a little bigger. I had told him about the bream. A great big fish that gives up easy, he smirked. 

This one was no different, it popped to the surface and he brought it across to the waiting net. At 3lb 3oz it was a great bream for his first. 

The final count was:

Dad 2

Martha 3

Rupert 5

We had great family time and even caught fish. Sitting at home, I asked Rupe what the blog title should be. It seems I didn't get in before he turned youtube back on and he simply replied "fishing". 

Saturday 18 May 2024

Blog 296

Date fished 18/5/2024

6.45 am until 12 pm

With love in the air, it was a sedate session. Spawning is happening up and down the country based on water temps, sunshine and if you paid for the meal. Tilcon is no different, carp crashing in the shallows and bream displaying their tubercles. I opted for the usual float and ledger tactics to catch those bachelors not courting, sweetcorn on the hook with loose feed 6mm pellets. 

The peaceful surroundings of Tilcon may soon be supercharged. I have joined Rupe and Martha up to the club. They are of an age now where they want to fish with me more and its free for them to join Ryton (£5 one off joining fee). A great initiative by the club and getting youngsters on board can only be good for the future of the club. Well done!

An early start and I was at the lake. It was action right from the start. Bites constantly, the lake was alive. I caught on the float and ledger but mostly concentrated on the float rod. The ledger rod not even in the water, no need for a sleeper today! 

From 9am, the sun was warm and bites slowed a bit. I still caught but definitely slower than the cooler early morning. 

Many lost bites, fish. The usual rogue carp that realised it was hooked and swam at warp speed across the lake. My hooklink giving up the ghost about three quarters of the way across. 

No fish weighed. Although one bream was big framed, so I should of weighed it. But you will see below, most fish I unhooked in the water and let them go. A couple of the ide were huge, could not get my hand around them. I regret them plopping back in as I fumbled with the phone camera.

I ended with two tench, four bream and nine ide. Two fish short from matching the blog number. If I realised that 30 mins ago, I would of stayed at the lake. Doh!! 

Monday 6 May 2024

Just as Gr-r-reat

Date fished  6/5/2024
7am until 12pm

A Monday that I didn't have to go to work, what could be better? I started with a Gregg's sausage roll, cereal was for the fish. I had some cornflakes that were a little stale, perfect for groundbait. I know the title is for Frosties, I preferred this to the slogan from the rooster! I only had cornflakes, Frosties would never go stale in this house. 

Heavy rain was forecast this afternoon, and as I write this now at 1pm, it has still not arrived. A good few hours was enough though and I planned to leave before the downpour arrived. 
The looming storm meant the air was still, very peaceful on the lake with hardly any ripples.

A small feeder was cast to my right and I float fished a little way out in front. Corn on both, I was sure the warmer weather would get the fish feeding on this. The snap, crackle and pop of the pylon gently humming as the moisture increased. 

First indication on the ledger as my rod tip danced up and down. I could tell it was the intended target and a lovely bream soon graced the net. It was a big framed fish, but yet to put some weight on. A hearty breakfast will soon sort it out. Phil on hand in the next swim to take a pro picture. 

As I started to feed more, bites came to the float rod. I missed a couple before finally connecting. The fish swam around the swim, I watched it as I played it to the net. It was easy to see, as it was bright orange! 

It's golden colour brightening my morning, I wonder if it is called Graham? 

I had said Cheerio(s) to Phil a while ago, so no one was around to take a pic with me in, so it's just the fish this time. Bites were coming to both rods now, I opted to concentrate on the float and reeled in the feeder, my lucky charm. Another ide, this one not golden soon followed. 

I was casting closer to where I knew the swim platform was. Soon enough, I hooked it and lost my hooklink. As I was leaving soon, I just ledgered close in, where I had been feeding. Several savage pulls, but sadly no more fish. They must be three shredded wheat kinda fish.

A great few hours on the lake and soon my tummy was rumbling. I packed up and headed home for something more substantial than cereal!