Date fished 18/11/2021
7.30am until 1.57pm
I am heading down to that there London to spend the weekend with the boys. We have decided to do Movember, so myself and the tash jumped in the car and headed South. As Dwix was not going to be home until later in the evening, I thought I would stop on my way past the Swale and see if I could bag a Chub or two.
Bags all packed for the fishing and then the weekend, I set off at 6am and drove to the river. The car told me it was 16 degrees, don't think I needed the thermals on. I walked to the river and immediately saw changes. A few trees that were close to the bank have fallen in. These have created new slacks and potentially new fish holding areas. I thought I would put this to the test.

I filled a small feeder with breadcrumb, moulded cheese paste around the cork ball and cast in. After a while, there was a knock, then a gentle pull. I struck, fish on. I played it in the tight gap between trees, it felt very much like a Chub. Then the hook hold gave way. No break, no snag, just came free. I fished on but this incident must have spooked them as no further bites. I decided to head off downstream. I do like this time of year, the bank vegetation is really low, you can access more swims but the fish still get cover. Plus, in reality the fish are probably well hidden in the roots, stuff we never get to see.
I walked downstream and just looked at the river, I was thinking of where to fish and I remembered a few trips ago seeing a Chub on my bank, trying to tempt it with bait but it swam across the river to a bush on the far side. I decided to go fish there. I cast in and waited, it must have been less than five minutes and the rod pulled tight, I struck and the drag gave out line. A good fight from a good sized Chub.
I tried to weigh it, but the battery had died. I hoped I would not live to regret this later!? It made me think about packing a spare, and a spare spare, and well you know what I mean? Where does contingency stop?
It was easily over 4lb but I don't think over 5lb, so I was happy. I was glad I went for the walk, although when the sun came out, with the thermals on I had to take my coat off!
I walked back the way I had came and fished in the first swim again, deciding to eat my lunch here and see if the fish were hungry again. No bites, but in the sun you could of been mistaken that it was a summers day.
After no action, I decided a short walk upstream. About the same distance as I had walked down, just to balance it out! A few good swims but nothing. Literally nothing! I realised I had left my cheese paste in the first swim.

A quick walk and I was reunited with my cheesy bait. It works magic this time of year. I have caught numerous Chub on it, Trout and even Pike! Amazing, definitely a fluke and a one off!
As I was so close to where I started, I thought I would give it another go. Third time lucky? I only had 30 minutes before I was going to set off for London. I cast in and waited. I had a strange bite, and then nothing. I waited a few seconds but nothing happened. A fish must have taken my bait, so I wound down to check. As the line tightened, something pulled back. It woke up and lunged around the swim. This was no Chub, big lunges caused the drag to spin. It was toothy as expected and was quickly netted. Two pike on Cheese paste now, how many more before I list cheesepaste as a dead bait!?
It seemed a good time to end, it was 1.57pm and I planned to stop at 2pm.
I have persuaded Dwix to try some fishing again. We blanked last time, so tomorrow we are heading to the Grand Union Canal to see what we can catch. I do hope he has some batteries!!