Friday, 13 August 2021

Friday the 13th


05.45 until 15.30

03.30 Alarm went off

Junction 51 on A1

Two hash browns from Ronald

A peg I have never fished before, in the teens

Two rods - 12 ft 1 1/4 tc Daiwa specialist Avon and 12 ft 2lb tc Korum Barbel Rod

Many baits of 15mm pellets and luncheon meat cubes

One sunrise

06.10 rod hoops over. I strike

9lb hooklink snaps. Lost fish. Gutted.

Fifty thousand more casts, bait fired in

Zero bites

Favourite bait needle snapped- yes I have (had) a favourite bait needle, one of four. However the other three were at home! 

Four other swims tried, then back to the first 

13.30 drive to Parklands tackle shop for four pints of maggots for tomorrow

£23 spent on sundries, they don't sell maggots (livebait)

Blank saving one hour at another close by swim for part two  - zero bites

"Fresh breeze" 18 mph defo felt like more than that. I nearly got blown away! 

No fish. A resounding blank.

A68 home, traffic awful took 90 mins! 

Wonder if the jinx of Friday the thirteenth is to blame? No, surely not. It's just a number! 


  1. You should've fished 13mm pellets :)
    From what I've heard people are having a bit more success with smaller 6-10mm pellets.

  2. You and your baiting needles!

    1. Hahaha. Yeah, I am the tackle tart!!........
